

2024-03-09 14:05:44实用范文


个词:行动!记得这次志愿者培训书上曾写着:开始做。我现在还是想说:认真做,只要我们坚定了目标就要用尽全力的去做好,只要我们每个志愿者都能按照标准严格要求自己,努力做好每一场讲座,做到讲有所用,学有所用。让更多的志愿者加入我们,何愁家乡的科技知识跟不上现在日新月异的变化?何愁国不富?民不强?? 无论何时,我永远都希望,越来越多的大学生志愿者加入我们中来,让我们的队伍不断的壮大,把我们的奉献当成收获与快乐,做到我们奉献,我们快乐!!!我想如果明年还有机会与时间的话,还想去做一次志愿者活动,结合今年活动中遇到的问题与经验,把明年的活动举办的有声有色,尽量不让遗憾与不足重现,如果有可能的话做一个终生的志愿者,让我们所有的志愿者一起行动起来,在奉献当中寻找属于我们的快乐,在快乐中体现我们的价值,更希望我们家乡的父老乡亲在科技的带动下,生活的越来越好。希望生命不止,志愿不息!!!谢谢!!

志愿者英语志愿者感言(2) |

i’m really honored to be presented with this award. being a volunteer is not with the purpose of getting something in return. however, i harvest very much beyond expectation. through the activity, i gained a lot of experience. through the activity, i appreciated the brilliance of the language and culture. through the activity, i was gratified by what i have done promoting the friendship between our country and others’ .(句首重复和渐进)

i think whether we have clothes with volunteers, whether we are disabled or perfect, whether we are rich or poor, only if the heart of helping others is sincere, can we volunteer. (对照,重复)this award is not just belong to me but to every volunteer. through thick and thin, (对照,同甘共苦) we all have devoted ourselves to this activity. this award is a recognition of our hard work. winning this award is actually putting the icing on the cake.(暗喻)i want to share with all the volunteers the pleasure and honor of receiving the award. thank you very much, and i will be trying my best to contribute to further voluntary jobs.
